Voice, Coffee, a Friend, and Photography

Not too long ago, I reposted a short piece from an old blog of mine that I started back in college. The post was on writing, as were many of the other posts (11) that I put up on that blog, and while the one that I slapped up the other day was one of the few I felt was worth resharing (since it wasn’t exclusively related to the novel I was writing), this piece is probably the only other one.

I met with a friend that summer who’d been for so much of my life a mentor-like figure to me. We’d not seen each other for years at that point and as we were talking, it got me thinking about something I’d like to write about: creative voice. Here is that short little piece from over 3 1/2 (!!) years ago. (more…)

Not Writing and Why Being a Child is Okay

I mentioned once, WAAAAY back when I first began writing this blog, that I’d at one point started and subsequently tapered off from writing a separate blog previous to this one. It was meant to be a space where I could share my thoughts on writing, on reading, my influences, the process, and all that was involved in all of those things; I was still in college at the time and my days were spent writing. I couldn’t escape it—but sometimes I miss those days. Adult life can be a bummer sometimes and while English was certainly no cakewalk, it was something I really, truly enjoyed.

Recently I had the itch to revisit that blog and while many of the few posts that are up are related fairly exclusively to the novel I was writing at that time, there were a couple of posts that I felt were worth sharing here. I haven’t written A LOT about the writing process or the practices that can help you write better or writing in general really, but I’ve mentioned before that I’d like to share more on that subject and this feels like a good addition. (more…)